Saturday 4 September 2010

Updates and Stuff

Well, it's another Friday and another update. Life got a little crazy for me this week, with both scary pregnancy stuff and unexpected work stuff swooping in out of nowhere. As a result, I abandoned this week's topic halfway through the week because I couldn't focus enough to write the posts that I had scheduled.

I think I'm going to back off of the themes for a little bit. I like them in theory, but in reality I find that they keep me from doing some giveaways, spotlights, and articles because they don't fit the theme...when in reality I feel like you guys would like the good stuff more than the themed stuff. Most of all, I've noticed that when I lock myself into a theme, it tends to make blogging something of a chore instead of a joy and I definitely don't need to do that to myself. One of the hardest things about freelancing is that I don't always get to write what I want to write, so I enjoy having this free space. I'm not saying we won't go back to themes at some point, but for now I'm just going to post what I feel like posting and see how that goes.

Photo of the Week

Coming Next Week
  • A new giveaway! (Don't forget to enter this week's giveaway. I'm announcing the winner tomorrow.)
  • Lots of prettiness and (hopefully) a few good articles.
More information about the new changes at Disney and some good stuff that I've seen floating around the Interwebs.

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